And the culprit is…..



After much sleuthing all evidence is pointing at King Charles aka Sir Barksalot.

Yesterday he took the bait. I placed an empty Dunkin Cup in a waste paper bin and yes, you guessed it. Charlie was seen in a like of laundry removing and chewing the cup.

Like me he is a fan of the French Vanilla.

Vet Dilemma

The Barnstable seems to have a poorly ear, and some green boogey looking stuff crusting on this lips and in his hair around his mouth. I have given the ear a squirt with Ear Wash a nice herbal one and everyday I am clearing away the crusted boogey looking stuff from his mouth but I am thinking he may have allergies and he needs to see his favorite Vet Dr Stacy Curro at Banfield, Holmdel NJ.

3 Days is enough with me trying to be the VET so I called this morning… I was completely dumbfounded when the Words “Dr Curro is no longer here”, “Excuse me?” “She no longer works with us” Crapolla… she knows this mouth better than anyone else and I really like her.

I made an appointment, but let me tell you I am not happy seeing someone else. I have spent some time on online trying to locate her and I am not sure if she practicing. I am hoping the email I sent finds her and that I can take him to her where ever she may be practicing… obviously I hope this is not 100 miles away.

So, I am now asking myself…. Am I over reacting? Would you settle for another vet or try and find the one who knows your dog and his weird problems?

Let me know!








My quiet place, introducing…

my garden!

I love my garden, I love my deck… I love sitting out there and just listening.

I have great plans for this little place of mine. I was hoping to start a vegetable garden again this year. My eye problem has put me back a few weeks so I may just be a little late.

I have planted 3 Blueberry bushes and hope to see something on them next year.

Alannah planted some Tomato seeds in and upside down Tomato grower fingers crossed she remembers to water them!

Lots are happening in my back garden at the moment.

Last spring we had a little tiny Bunny arrive, we call him Thumper and he decided to live under our deck…. spring sprung and he has been out chomping on the grass and Clover. He is not shy and quite a character. It is not unusual for us to see Thumper munching just a few feet away from the lazing Dog.

Today as I was putting out the washing, Thumper was in the Carport, under my Jeep.

Also in the Carport, on top of the old stereo we have out there Mr & Mrs Robin have built a nest.

We noticed it just 2 weeks ago, I sneaked a quick peak and saw 3 eggs bright, blue and beautiful. This nest is right next to our back door, Son # 2 is a big softie and loves animals… he quickly made a sign to go on the inside of door to remind us not to use it so the Mummy Robin could sit on her eggs undisturbed.

Last week, Son # 1 announced he was in the Carport and heard faint chirping…. a few days later I inspected the happenings in the nest and to my amazement saw 3 tiny beaks peaking right over the top of the nest ONE wide open.

Mr & Mrs Robin watch us when we are about in our garden, they let us go by with no panic. I love to watch them collecting worms for the young.

Mr Woody Woodpecker lives in the top of our Tulip tree. I saw him yesterday, but was unable to snap a picture of him. Woodpeckers are not as big as I imagined however, they make a lot of noise. Have you ever had a Woodpecker try to enter your bedroom through the wall?  This happened to me last year and I thought some guy with a pneumatic drill was by my head. Yes, this scared the living shit out of me and I very quickly hung old CD’s from fishing wiring on the outside of the house to scare the little bugger away. My fingers are crossed that he doesn’t decide he wants to see me at the crack of dawn again this year!

I hope you enjoyed my quiet place!