You’ve been Pranked!

rotary phone

Phone rang at work this morning, I answered in my usual polite manner and a man asked if he could speak to Mr. Badcock.

I immediately thought I was being pranked.

I replied ” No-one of that name here”

“Spelt B-A-D-C-O-C-K”

“Yep, No one of that name here. Sorry”

“Is that 876-980-3404”

“No, Sorry. You have the wrong number”

Immediately the phone rings again.

“Oh, it’s you again… seems I must have the wrong number”


“OK” I reply and hang up.

This scenario went on for 30 minutes and many calls always saying, “I am not sure what is wrong with this phone”, and continually looking for Mr. Badcock.

I really feel he was pranked by someone who was laughing out loud somewhere at him. I really wanted to ask if his name was Stu Pidasso!

Have you pranked anyone today?

How realistic are your flame-less candles?

I love candles. I especially love my battery operated flame less candles that even smells like the real deal.

I love the fact that they are safe when the dogs are running around.

I love the fact that they have a timer and come alive at the same time every day and turn themselves off.

I love the fact that I cannot forget to blow them out should I fall asleep on the sofa.

I love the fact that my hubby, the one that supports the family, the smart one tried to light my new candle.

It was glowing after turning itself on, I thought I should adjust the setting now the days are longer. As I got closer I see a black almost smoke like stain on it. I look at it and the fake wick looks… BURNT!

Who on earth tried to lit my battery operated candle! The new smelly Vanilla one…. really?

At first I thought it might have been son #1, he was playing with fire yesterday. Then it occurred to me that my JAR candle was lit and I didn’t do it.

I ask hubby via text as he had left the house about half an hour earlier…

“Did you light my battery Candle?”

“Ah… I tried. no wonder it would not light”

“LOL, It’s very realistic!”

“That’s F’d up!”

My hubby then went on to tell me that he went in to hysterical laughter whilst those around him had no idea what he was laughing at…..

Try explaining that one Honey!

It looks really real now.




The Christmas gift that keeps on giving…

It was a very long time ago that my friend said to me ” look at my new wallet”

I was so impressed by the amount of stuff she was carrying in the wallet she was showing me that it immediately become top of my “must have” list!

The wallet is made by Burton, yes the snowboard makers.

Perfect for travel and people like me who like to carry a lot of stuff and sometimes only want to take a wallet.

As I said this was months ago that my friend was put in charge of sourcing me one with her next Burton order.

I was so thrilled New Years Eve to receive this gift.

When I opened that box I was overjoyed and lost for words. What a great gift!

We both commented on what a lovely colour grey it was… And continued to drink!

Here it is…


Next day, after a morning getting the boys off to tailgate I sit to load my lovely new wallet.

I open it and wow what a surprise I got!

No really that is not what I think it is? Oh boy it is and there is not a man insight. Just woman, naked woman!

I closed it and reopened it thinking that something might change, but when I unzipped it they were still in there!

I closed it and laughed a lot, I couldn’t wait to show my friend what she had gifted me!

Now, my lovely friend whom I would not go so far as to call her a prude but others might, was completely and utterly embarrassed by the naked women in my wallet!

We have laughed so hard to the point of tears all night long. This wallet is the best gift ever!

I love my wallet, I can handle it, many others could not.

This gift makes me laugh everyday when I look at it, when I get my card out at the grocery store. Even thinking about opening it at the bar makes me giggle!

So my must have item had proved to be alot more than a wallet…. It has become the gift of laughter and laughter is an amazing gift!

So Barb… thank you so very much for the wallet, it might just make me pee my pants one day!

If you would like to see the inside print of the Grey Market Wallet by Burton, here it is!


See how much you can get it in!


Teen Room, Pickled Onions, Baby Birds and just pure bad luck!

The Onions are in the pickling vinegar after many hours of soaking in brine. We will know in August how they taste, and if they are any good I will pass on the recipe!

The baby birds are just like the other batch of hatchlings, getting bigger by the day. I am thinking it is at least day 5. There are 4 little beaks open just waiting for mummy to drop in some scram. I am so happy that this is happening for a 2nd time this year. This Robin is a very good Mummy.

Talking of very good Mums. I am one of them! Son number 2 is having a room face lift. It has been 5 years since we moved in and an 9-year-old has completely different taste to a now 14-year-old.

Bye Bye Old Room

Today I have been clearing, shopping and painting…. 

What you have just read is my saved post from yesterday… You see I got so engrossed in this decorating project that I just didn’t have time to add the pics I had taken and finish the post.

Last night I finished 2 walls. Josh has chosen grey as his colour and asked me to use my talents to paint a Boston “B” on his wall just like I had for his older brother all those years ago when I did his room. However, big brother is a Yankee fan so I painted the Yankee Logo for him.

I must have got all carried away with myself, this project was moving along swimmingly. Whilst I was at the Lowes this new paint caught my eye, it turns walls and doors into Dry Erase areas. This was perfect for my little doodle boy who plans on his own graffiti designs being put on his walls… by himself!

This project was also keeping me away from the fridge… my mortal enemy! Oh I was doing well!

Maybe this is the right time to tell you that I am a stay at home mum. Money does not grow on trees and I am doing this project on a shoestring so to speak.

Today, eager to get started I primed the area for the Dry Erase board… and completely finished two walls, trim ‘n” all. This enabled me to move all the furniture to the other side of the room so I could crack on with it.

Daughter at the beach with a friend, Teen at his friends, eldest child chillin’, there was nothing stopping me getting this room painted today!

Until the unthinkable happened… I dropped a can of paint.

Have you ever dropped a gallon of paint, almost 3/4 full from a height?

Stupidly I looked down to try and catch it and got a full in the face SPLAT!


Oh dear god, this was not happening. I think I used the “F” word and my 16 year old came running up the stairs, just as my hubby said “Oh NO you DIDN’T” from his at home office.

I was speechless other than the “F” bomb for a few minutes.

Of course my quick thinking like minded hubby snapped a few shots for the blog 🙂 Gotta love him!

Clean up has been horrendous!

It just Happened!

The $100 project is know considerably more… the carpet has to be taken up and then the wood will need finishing. A project I was not ready for at this moment in time.

Many thoughts have whistled through my head whilst I have been cleaning up.

  • How did I do that?
  • This is never going to get clean!
  • Can I die from all this paint in my mouth?
  • Paint tastes gross!
  • Hubby is too quiet, he will kill me!
  • I should get a day job!
  • Stick to eating!

But really there aint nowt else to do but LAUGH!

I hope your laughing too.